Citrus Fruit Salad With Manuka Honey And Frozen Lemon

This is a perfect salad for late winter, early spring. Take advantage of newly harvested citrus fruit that is currently abundant in groceries. Give your immune system a makeover. 

To make this salad you can use any citrus fruit. I love to mix different flavors, but this salad tastes great even if it is made out juicy oranges alone.

  • 1 orange
  • 1 blood orange 
  • 1 pink pomelo
  • 1 pink grapefruit
  • freshly pressed juice of 1/2 lemon
  • freshly pressed juice of 1 orange
  • 1 Tbsp raw manuka honey
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp ground cloves
  • 1/2 frozen lemon, grated 

  • Wash and peel the citrus fruit. I left some of the white pith on my oranges, but cut most of it off the grapefruit and pomelo. 
  • Cut citrus fruit into slices. Gently toss the slices into a bowl.
  • In a small bowl mix spices with honey. Add lemon and orange juice and mix well. Pour the mixture over sliced fruit and mix gently. Let it sit for a few minutes while you are grating the frozen lemon. 
  • Arrange marinaded citrus fruit slices on individual platters. Garnish with frozen lemon shavings and enjoy in good company!

Tip: Grated frozen lemon is a wonderful addition to salads, soups, smoothies, cakes and frozen desserts. Use only organic lemons that were not sprayed with harmful chemicals. Remember to wash the lemons in warm water before freezing. Freeze whole lemons because they are easier to process later on.

Numerous healing properties have been attributed to citrus fruits. Some compounds have anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, or anti-microbial properties; others support immune system, regulate blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol; or have positive effects on blood vessels. 

Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, tangerines, grapefruits, and pomelos are loaded with vitamin C; minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium; B vitamins such as B6, B3, and folate; various bio-active phytochemicals such as flavonoids, tarpenes, amino acids, polysaccharides, and phenolic acids; and fiber.

These nutrients are also present in even higher concentrations in the citrus peel - zest and the white pith that are usually discarded in most households. The peel also contains compound called naringenin that stimulates the liver to burn excess fat and reduce triglycerides, cholesterol and blood sugar; hesperidin that can improve blood circulation and reduce  bone loss in postmenopausal women; as well as d-limonene known to fight cancer and high cholesterol.

Use citrus peel from organic citrus fruits whenever you can. You can freeze small oranges and grate them just like the frozen lemons. I hope you do not mind the slight bitterness for the citrus peel. Give it a try.

In radiant health, passionately raw - Dominique
Dominique Allmon©2018

Frozen organic lemon

*Information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose or cure a disease.