How to Dehydrate Food Without a Dehydrator?

Dehydration is one of the most useful food preparation and preservation techniques. Loved by long-time raw fooddists the technique opens many possibilities for everyone whether you are eating fully raw, mostly raw or are simply willing to try out some interesting raw recipes.

Dehydrating zucchini in the sun on a dehydrator tray

I own a dehydrator but during the hot summer months I dehydrate a lot in the hot sun. I either use a baking pan lined out with a non-stick dehydrator paper or dehydrator trays. A whole day in 98-100 °F turns my goodies nice and dry. To protect my food from insects I cover the trays with cheesecloth.

Depending on the climate you are living in, you will be able to dehydrate simple potato, beet or kale chips, freshly harvested tomatoes, herbs or even some raw crackers and cookies. This works very well in New Mexico, but might not work for you if you live in Georgia or Florida or some other place with high humidity.

Low-temperature oven dehydrated raw beet chips
Low-temperature oven dehydrated raw beet chips

So what do you do if you are not willing to invest a lot of money in a dehydrator? Use oven and keep the temperature as low as possible to preserve the raw goodness without destroying precious enzymes.

To explore my dehydrated food recipes please click here

In radiant health, passionately raw - Dominique 
Dominique Allmon©2014