Fruit Skewers

In the Northern Hemisphere June 21 is the first day of Summer. This year's Summer Solstice, or the longest day falls on Saturday. Wherever you turn, there are garden parties everywhere. You might not be able to escape an invitation to a grilling party where the hostess, hopefully, prepared some vegetarian or vegan treats for those who do not eat meat or fish. There might be salads and fruits that even raw foodies would be able to eat. 

If you are hosting a party or are invited to one, you may want to prepare something that would not only please the eye, but also satisfy palate of those who love raw food.

I always found fruit skewers a wonderful idea. They are fun to make and fun to eat. To make them you can use seasonal fruits and berries, but avoid fruits that oxidize quickly such as pears and apples. 

Below you will find a long list of ingredients. To make things simple you can choose four or five. Buy organic fruits whenever you can.

  • blueberries
  • strawberries
  • grapes
  • bananas
  • green kiwi fruit
  • golden kiwi fruit
  • physalis
  • cherries
  • peaches
  • plums 
  • nectarines
  • pineapple
  • cantaloupe melon
  • honey dew
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice (optional)
  • wooden skewers

  • Wash and thoroughly dry the fruits. 
  • Peel the fruits that have to be peeled such as bananas, kiwis, melons and pineapple. Remove stones from stone fruits.
  • Cut fruit into manageable chunks. Thread fruit chunks alternately onto skewers. 
  • Arrange fruit skewers on a serving platter. Use freshly squeezed lemon juice to moisten the fruits and to stop the oxidation process. Serve chilled and enjoy in good company!

~ Happy Summer Solstice! ~

In radiant health, passionately raw - Dominique

Dominique Allmon©2014