Copyright Information

Unless otherwise stated, all recipes are created by me. I share them here to inspire my readers to create their own delicious dishes, and to spread the word about raw food and its amazing health benefits.

Eat the rainbow by Dominique Allmon©

I do not want to argue to what degree a carrot juice recipe, for instance, is my intellectual property, but some of my signature dishes were developed by me in my own kitchen. You are free to use and recreate my recipes to prepare meals for yourself, your family and friends. 
You are not allowed to publish them in books, e-books, or magazines. If you mention them on your blog or website, I want you to give me credit for the time and energy it took to create and post these recipes here.  
Please, keep in mind that the ingredients list is the only element of the recipe you are allowed to legally copy and paste after providing a link to my blog and the name of the recipe creator. Everything else, unless otherwise stated, is fully copyrighted. You are not allowed to use my recipes commercially without explicit permission. Thank you.

Feel free to link to my blog. Sharing is caring. I appreciate that.

In radiant health, passionately raw - Dominique Allmon
• All rights reserved •

Image: Eat the rainbow by Dominique Allmon©