Golden Milk Smoothie

This is a raw variation of a classic Indian delicacy. The golden milk is usually made of cow's or goat's milk, turmeric powder, black pepper and honey and it is served hot.

I decided to make a smoothie using the classic ingredients but instead of diary I used raw almond milk and fresh turmeric (curcuma) root.

  • 1 1/2 cup raw almond milk
  • 1 thumb-size fresh turmeric  root
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1/2 tsp powdered cardamom
  • 1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
  • pinch Celtic sea salt
  • 1-2 Tbsp raw honey
  • few saffron strings (stigmas) or ground saffron, optional

  • Peel turmeric root and cut it into thin slices.
  • Pour almond mild into a clean glass jar. Add sliced turmeric root, close tightly and place it in a fridge overnight. The milk should turn golden.
  • Transfer the turmeric-infused almond milk into a blender. Do not discard the root! You can use some of it to make more golden milk or use all of it in this smoothie. Add chopped banana, cardamom, black pepper and salt. Blend until smooth.
  • Add honey and blend for a few seconds.
  • Pour smoothie into glasses and garnish with saffron. Enjoy in good company!

This is a nice warming recipe that will help you detoxify your body, boost your metabolism, and strengthen your immune system. I did not add any ice cubes because the drink is supposed to warm you up from inside out. If you cannot find fresh turmeric root, you can use turmeric powder. Your smoothie will taste a bit different, but it will be delicious nevertheless.

To make this smoothie with turmeric powder mix 1 tsp of this golden spice with 1 Tbsp almond milk. Mix it well until it turns into a paste. Gradually add more almond milk and mix until the paste has fully dissolved in the liquid. Pour the milk and turmeric mixture into your blender and follow all the other steps.

If you are a vegan and do not eat honey, you can use one or two soft medjool dates  or a few drops of liquid stevia.

In radiant health, passionately raw - Dominique

Dominique Allmon©2014